Penguinbot in action on the field
1717 in action in LA

2006 FIRST Robotics Competition:
S. California Regional, March 24-25

Photos of DP Penguinbot in LA

page created by H. Marcuse, March 26, 2006;
last updated 3/28/06

Construction, competition rules,
and Phoenix photos
Photos of Penguinbot in
Los Angeles
Photos of other robots in LA

Phoenix, March 11, 2006: Rookie Inspiration Award
Los Angeles, March 25, 2006: Rookie All Star Award, qualifying for finals in Atlanta, Apr. 27-29.

The venue of the Southern California Regionals in LA.
Great Western Forum

DP's pit area, without the Bot.
1717 pit area

Close up of pit area, still no robot.
students in 1717 pit

Two alliances on the field in starting position, ready for "autonomous mode."
1717 is aimed to block 1070 (specialized in dumping into corner goals) from scoring.
in starting position

1717 successfully blocks 1070 from scoring into a corner goal.
Note: each robot starts with 10 balls. One of 1717's is ready at the launcher at top.
1717 blocks 1070 at corner goal

On the field in starting position.
in starting position

Close up in starting position.
Close up in starting position

1717 in action--looks like a tussle with a blue alliance robot.
bot taking a shot in Phoenix

The bot in the pit with Mr. Shaeer & students.
bot in the pit with Mr. Shaeer & students
In the testing area (behind the pit, under the stands).
Aaron has the safety captain's cap on.
1717 in the testing area

Aaron programming in the pit.
Aaron programming in the pit
1717's three Saturday morning matches on the team's pit whiteboard.
In each match 3 robots face off against 3 others.
This year's first registration number was 1717 (us!), so teams with numbers higher that 1717 are rookie teams.
1717's 3 matches on the pit whiteboard
Top 9 rankings at the end of the scrimmages, noon on Saturday.
The top 8 seeds choose their partners for the final alliances.
top 9 seeds

Team 1717 moved up to 27th at the end of the scrimmage matches.
whiteboard with design ideas

The team with the regional director after the awards ceremony in LA.
Flanking the director are electronics mentor Jaime from Raytheon and Mr. Shaeer (with trophy).
Two team members posting with trophies

Andrew Alker and Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza posing with team 1717's two trophies--Rookie Inspiration and Rookie All Star--in Mr. Shaeer's classroom at the post-LA organizational meeting for the Atlanta nationals.
[PS: a "quote of the day" by Aaron visible behind his head: "I'll make the page. Just stop the insanity!"]
Two team members posting with trophies

page created by H. Marcuse on March 26, 2006; last updated: see header
back to top; DP Engineering Academy robotics page; robotics photo page