cover of 1910 gradebookGradebook for 1910-14 10th Grade classes in Kaiserin Augusta Gymnasium, Berlin

Herbert Marcuse's
1913 Grades
(10th grade class)

page by Harold Marcuse
(Harold Marcuse homepage)

part of the Official Herbert Marcuse website,
created 9/21/2010; updated , 2010

In June 2008 a Dutch collector purchased a grade book (Zeugnisbuch) from the Kaiserin-Augusta-Gymnasium in Berlin-Charlottenburg, for the Untersekunda (10th grade) classes 1910-1914 (dates on cover). He sent us photos of the cover and 2 interior page spreads, showing the grades of Walter March (who later became a designer of the 1936 Berlin Olympic stadium) and Herbert. He wrote the following in an email:

Hereby three pictures: (1) the frontcover, (2) Zeugnisse March and Marcuse (first period) and (3) Zeugnisse Marcuse last period (on the left side someone else (so not his classteacher/ordinarius Heinrich) has written 'viel zu malt, w.a.' on the right side in pencil something about '... nicht abschreiben'.
I have also made a record (in word) of the names of all the pupils. Perhaps it rings a bell. His teachers in the last period were: Heinrich (Religionslehre, Deutsch, Geschichte, Erdkunde and Turnen), Müller and Bergmann (Lateinisch), Niewerth (Griechisch), Wagner (Französisch), Müller (Mathematik), Schwarz (Naturwissenschaft) and Neumann (Zeichnen).

I'm not sure what the grading scale was then, but today a "1" is best, "5" failing. Herbert got mostly 3s in that period, a 4 in geography. The photos are below--sorry, no higher resolution available.

See also the list of student names in a .doc file.

The left hand side is Walther March, the right hand side Herbert Marcuse
This is the O - M 1913 page for Herbert, who was born July 19, 1898. [What is the July 27, 1896 date?]
He got a "2" in Betragen (Comportment), 3s in most subjects, but 5 in French and 4s in Math & Science. gradebook 1913 Marcuse page

Again, t he left hand side is Walther March, the right hand side Herbert Marcuse.
Herbert's grades are now for 1914.
He's still got a 2 in comportment, 3s in almost everything, but dropped to a 4 in geography (Erdkunde).
Across the bottom: 3 in penmanship, 3 in Ordnungssinn (sense for order?), 11 hours of Verstand.
Dated 31 May 1914, signed by Heinrich. gradebook 1913 Marcuse page

page created by H. Marcuse on Sept. 21, 2010; updated
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