Herbert Marcuse
Herbert Marcuse
Scholarship » 2010s

Herbert Marcuse, Philosopher of Utopia

Nick Thorkelson, Herbert Marcuse, Philosopher of Utopia (San Francisco: City Lights Press, 2019), 128p
edited by Paul Buhle and Andrew Lamas, with a forward by Angela Y. Davis

This comics-format biography brings Marcuse’s life, work, and times to a new generation. From his youth in Weimar Germany and early studies with Martin Heidegger, to his emigration from Nazi Germany along with colleagues of the Frankfurt School, to his rise as one of its major theorists along with Theodor Adorno and Walter Benjamin, to his status as a countercultural icon, readers are introduced to the theories and circumstances that made Marcuse into one of the world’s most influential intellectuals.

Publisher's Page

First two chapters (PDF)

Index entries: Thorkelson, Nick