Herbert Marcuse
Herbert Marcuse
Publications ยป 2000s

Towards a Critical Theory of Society

Herbert Marcuse's Collected Papers, Volume 2: Towards a Critical Theory of Society, with papers from the 1960s and early 1970s and an afterword by Juergen Habermas (Routledge, 2001).

This second volume of Marcuse's collected papers includes unpublished manuscripts from the late 1960s and early 1970s, such as Beyond One-Dimensional Man, Cultural Revolution and The Historical Fate of Bourgeois Democracy, as well as a rich collection of letters. It shows Marcuse at his most radical, focusing on his critical theory of contemporary society, his analyses of technology, capitalism, the fate of the individual, and prospects for social change in contemporary society.

  • Contents:
    Foreword by Peter Marcuse
    1. The Problem of Social Change in the Technological Society
    2. The Individual in the Great Society
    3. The Containment of Social Change in Industrial Society
    4. 1966 Political Preface to Eros and Civilization
    5. Beyond One-Dimensional Man
    6. Cultural Revolution
    7. The Historical Fate of the Bourgeois Democracy
    8. Watergate: When Law and Morality Stand in the Way
    9. A Revolution in Values
    10. Letters: Herbert Marcuse to Leo Lowenthal; Leo Lowenthal to Richard Popkin; Herbert Marcuse to T.W. Adorno; T.W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer to Herbert Marcuse; Herbert Marcuse to T.W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer; Herbert Marcuse to Raya Dunayevskaya; Raya Dunayevskaya to Herbert Marcuse.
  • 16 pages on amazon.com
  • Reviewed by David Ingram, Loyola University, Chicago [former student], Jan. 4, 2002
  • This is the second volume in a series of six.

Publisher's Page

Index entries: Kellner, Douglas Marcuse, Peter Collected Papers