Herbert Marcuse
Herbert Marcuse
Scholars and activists

A-Z Index of Marcuse Scholars and Activists

Note: we are in the process of updating the website and not all the content has been converted. The complete previous version is here.

Jump to: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

A top
John D. Abromeit
Ben Agger
Kevin B. Anderson
Ronald Aronson
B top
Paul A. Baran
Arlindo Barbeitos
Roger Behrens
Seyla Benhabib
Lowell Bergman
Norman Birnbaum
Carlos Blanco-Aguinaga
C top
Detlev Claussen (updated 1/4/2022)
W. Mark Cobb
D top
Angela Davis
Mike Davis
Jutta Ditfurth
Alan J. Dobson
Ariel Dorfman
Helmut Dubiel
Ralph Dumain
Rudi Dutschke
F top
Arnold L. Farr
Andrew Feenberg
Christian Fuchs
G top
Patrick Gamsby
Norman Geras
Galia Golan
Brian Gonsalves
Paul Gottfried
H top
Jürgen Habermas
Abbie Hoffman
Axel Honneth
I top
David Ingram
Doug Ireland
J top
Russell Jacoby
Peter-Erwin Jansen
Martin Jay
K top
Immaculada Kangussu
Manjur Karim
George Katsiaficas
Douglas Kellner
David Kettler
Leo Kofler
Alex Koutsogiannis
Filip Kovačević
L top
Andrew T. Lamas
Lauren Langman
Raffaele Laudani
Donald C. Lee
William Leiss
Michael Lerner
Reinhard Lettau
M top
Terry Maley
Herbert Masslau
Paul Mattick
George E. McCarthy
Myriam Miedzian
Bill Moyers
Jerry Z. Muller
Tim B. Müller
N top
Oskar Negt
Debora Neri
Shierry Weber Nicholsen
O top
Robespierre de Oliveira
P top
Juan David Palacios Suárez
R top
Gérard Raulet
Charles Reitz
Roland Roth
Jerry Rubin
S top
Luca Scafoglio
Morton Schoolman
Javier Sethness-Castro
Jeremy J. Shapiro
Erica Sherover-Marcuse
Stephen E. Slaner
Federico Sollazzo
Susan Sontag
Sarah Surak
T top
Elena Tebano
V top
Nicolás Alberto González Varela
Maroje Višić
W top
Alan R. Wald
Margath A. Walker
Jeff Weinstein
Thomas P. Wheatland
David Rhys Williams
Frieder Otto Wolf
Karl Dietrich Wolff
Richard Wolin